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Rayda Formation
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Rayda Fm base reconstruction

Rayda Fm


Age Interval: 
Berriasian, On1, On2


Type Locality and Naming

The pelagic carbonates and marls of the Rayda Formation represent deep marine deposition following basin subsidence and drowning by a global sea level rise in the Early Cretaceou. Type section is Southeast Al Jabal Al Akhdar, alongside the road to the Saiq Plateau (E57°41 ́30”, N23°02 ́00”). Additional reference section is Dhulaima-4. Column: Oman Subsurface, Oman Outcrop


Lithology and Thickness

Siliceous limestone. "The Rayda Formation is a sequence of thin-bedded, dense, porcellanitic limestones (lime mudstones) and marls with fine argillaceous partings and/or levels of thin cherts. At the base, a variable bed of crinoidal debris may locally be present with synsedimentary fracture fills (‘neptunian dykes’) and very locally a ‘bone-bed’ with concentrated fish-teeth, belemnites, ammonites and bone fragments is found at outcrop in Al Jabal Al Akhdar. The lower part of the unit may be variably reddened, particularly along the argillaceous partings. Horizontal burrows are present on bedding planes. . . . An upper and lower division has been distinguished in the outcrop type section based on a facies change (Haan et al., 1990). The Lower unit of light grey-weathering, thin-bedded, lime mudstones with laminar and nodular cherts grades into an Upper unit of medium- to thin- bedded, olive to dark grey-weathering mud-/ wackestones. This has been interpreted as the onset of regression following initial drowning of the basin (Corbin and Mabillard, 1984)."

Lithology Pattern: 
Siliceous limestone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The lower boundary is a sharp contact with the carbonates of the Sahtan Gr, stepping down from the Jubaila Fm in the western subsurface to the Dhruma Fm in the Al Jabal Al Akhdar outcrops. Chart implies a hiatus of middle Tithonian below it.

Upper contact

The upper boundary is transitional, with the Rayda Fm thin-bedded limestones passing upwards into alternating thin limestones and marls of the Salil Fm.

Regional extent

The best development of the Rayda Fm (and Salil Fm) is in western North Oman in the Lekhwair and adjacent areas north of ca. 22°N. It thins and dies out to the west and southeast. In the Al Huwaisah area the presence of the Rayda Fm is questionable; the entire sequence is here assigned to the Salil and consists of limestone with lesser amounts of dolomite and marl. The Rayda Fm probably continues into the similar lithologies at the base of the upper Musandam Gr in Ruus al Jibal (Hudson and Chatton, 1959; Ricateau and Riché, 1980).




"Biozones F52 (lower part) and F51 (common large Calpionella alpina, C. elliptica and the presence of radiolaria). Simon Petroleum Technology (1995) recorded a basal Rayda Formation assemblage with Crassicollaria parvula and numerous Calpionella alpina, which they interpret to be Late Tithonian – Early Berriasian in age. . . . On the basis of the microfossil (calpionellid association) and macrofossil (ammonite) content, the Rayda Formation has been assigned to the uppermost Tithonian – Berriasian in Al Jabal Al Akhdar (Rousseau et al., 2005). Sharland et al. (2001) place their Early Berriasian K10 MFS within shales near the base of the Rayda Formation in well Dhulaima-4 and in the Wadi Al Muaydin outcrop. Interestingly they also illustrate a potential mid- Tithonian J110 MFS in Wadi Al Muaydin (their figure 4.53)."


Latest Tithonian-early Berriasian (for graphic purposes). The facies may continue higher in some places.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

The Rayda Fm sediments are characterized by deep marine pelagic fossils (radiolaria, tintinnids, crinoids, belemnites) and sediment surface ichnofossils. The depositional environment is well below wave-base, with slow sedimentation. The deep marine sediments are interpreted as the basinal facies associated with the rapidly prograding Lower Kahmah Gr shelf carbonates (Droste and Van Steenwinkel, 2004).);

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


From Forbes, G.A., Hansen, H.S.M., and Shreurs, J., 2010. Lexicon of Oman: Subsurface Stratigraphy. Gulf Petrolink, 371 pp. (plus enclosures and CD);